Thursday, July 22, 2010

Twelve Ways to Know God

Twelve Ways to Know God

One of my favorite writers is Dr. Peter Kreeft, professor at Boston College and author of who- knows-how-many books. He is a Catholic C.S. Lewis; a faithful, logical, witty, humble and sincere man. In an age that is tempted to believe that "science" (empirical science, that is) is the only avenue to what is "real"--his writings are a breath of fresh air. The Goliath of science is put in its proper place through the stones of faith from this modern David. Here's a sampling of an article of his called Twelve Ways to Know God. I adapted them slightly and put them in a memory aid for easier recall. When we wonder how one gets to know God, here's some good reasons to keep in mind.

A Memory Aid of how to come to Know / Experience God

At the heart and center of coming to know and experience God is Jesus Christ: “He who has seen me has seen the Father.” (John 14:9) If we want to know what God is like, how He relates to us, what He thinks of us, etc., the simple answer is look at the life of Christ. As the argument goes, He is either who He said He is (Lord), He was a lying fool (Liar), or He was a crazy man (Lunatic). The image at the left (the facial image of the Shroud of Turin--the supposed burial cloth of Christ) is fitting to post here, as this really helps us see "what God is like, how He relates to us, what He thinks of us, etc."

Here are twelve other ways to ponder under the double acronym of

(The first part highlights the "natural" aspects of our "SEARCH" for God. The second part highlights the "super-natural" aspects of God's SEARCH for man.

S Serving others. In tape 1 of Archbishop Fulton Sheen's Famous Audio Series (the Philosophy of Life, he gave the time-tested advice. "If you want to find God, find your neighbor." One must "act" their way into knowing and loving God, through knowing and loving their neighbor.
Experience (Ponder all the life experiences of personal and collective history. As Pope Leo XIII said, "All history in a way shouts out that it is God whose providence governs the varied and continual changes of mortal affairs.")
A Arts (Music, Architecture, Paintings, etc. Coming to know God through the goodness and beauty reflected in these) There is an Artist behind the art.
R Reason (reflection, logic, philosophy, the order of the mind shares in the divine mind. There is an Intelligence behind the intelligence.
C Conscience (the voice of God in the sanctuary of his dwelling). There is a Lawgiver, behind the law.
H Holy people (Saints are windows into God’s presence among men).


S Scripture Reading/Study (Privileged record of God’s Words and Deeds)

E Eucharistic Communion and Adoration (Spiritual Interior "Radiation" in Heart and mind)
A Apparitions (Historical Miraculous occurences (often through Mary, Queen of the Prophets) highlighting God's plan for man--i.e Fatima, Lourdes, Kibeho)
R Revelations given through saints and mystics to promote or expound God's plan for man (i.e. St. Margaret Mary and Sacred Heart)
C Catholic Teaching (embodied in the Catechism of the Catholic Church: faithfully records and expounds the meanings of Scripture and Tradition)
H Holy Spirit Prayer and Inspiration (All those other wordly-this-couldn't-have-come-from-me “promptings” and “coincidences” in thought and experience.

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